Pavillon des sciences Anne-Marie Edward du Collège Jonh Abbott

  • End date of the work: 2012
  • Location: Montréal, QC
  • Cost of construction: 30.5M$
  • Scope: Commissioning, PCI
  • Project description:

    Full of views and natural light, this building frames a majestic centenary ginkgo. Two innovation points have been awarded; one for the purchase of GreenGuard certified furniture and the other for an exceptional educational program which promotes awareness of the building's ecological and sustainable characteristics. IPMVP energy performance measurements and verifications performed by students and supervised by teachers. Over 94% of the total cost of the wood is FSC certified. Water efficient landscaping by choosing native plants that don't need irrigation | Reduced parking capacity and easier access to public transport | Stormwater management | Site development to reduce heat islands by installing highly reflective roofing membrane | Reduced light pollution | Materials with low VOC emissions were used | Photovoltaic panels, geothermal energy and natural ventilation are among the energy efficient technologies used.

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